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First name
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ABC - American Baptist Church (USA)
ACC - Advent Christian Conference
AME - African Methodist Episcopal
ANG - Anglican
AOG - Assembly of God
ARB - Association of Regular Baptists
ARP - Association of Reformed Presbyterian
ASLPN - African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network
BFC - Bible Fellowship Church
BGC - Baptist General Conference
BGCO - Baptist Gen Convention of Oklahoma
CAT - Catholic
CBA - Conservative Baptists of America
CBC - Conservative Baptists
CBNE - Conservative Baptist N.E.
CC - Campus Crusade
CFNI - Christ for the Nations
CHA - Charismatic
CMA - Christian and Ministry Alliance
COC - Church of Christ
COGA - Church of God Anderson
COGC - Church of God Cleveland
COGP - Church of God Prophecy
CRC - Christian Reformed Church
DOC - Disciples of Christ
ECC - Evangelical Covenant Church of America
EFC - Evangelical Free Church
ELC - Evangelical Lutheran Church
EP - Evangelical Presbyterian
EPI - Episcopal Church
FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FRM - Free Methodist
FSC - Foursquare
GCAC - Great Commission Association of Church
IBC - Independent Baptist
IND - Independent
INT - Inter-Denominational
IPH - International Penticostal Holi
LFB - Life Builders
LMS - Lutheran Missouri Synod
MBC - Missionary Baptist
MBR - Mennonite Brethren Church
MCI - Missionary Church Incorporated
NABC - North American Baptist Conference
NAMB - North American Mission Board
NAV - Navigators
NAZ - Nazarene
NHCLC - National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
NLC - New Life Christian Church
NON - Non-Denominational
OBC - Open Bible Church
OP - Orthodox Presbyterian
PBC - Primitive Baptist
PCA - Presbyterian Church of America
PCCNA - Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America
PCOG - Pentecostal Church of God
PUSA - Presbyterian Church USA
RCCG - Redeemed Christian Church of God
SBC - Southern Baptist Church
SDA - Seventh Day Adventist
SMC - Southern Methodist Church
UB - United Baptist
UBC - United Brethren Church
UCOG - United Church of God
UMC - United Methodist
VIN - Vineyard
WBA - Williamson Baptist Association
WES - Wesleyan
WWME - Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Church Role
Please Select
P - Senior Pastor
A - Associate Pastor
L - Lay Leader
M - Worship Leader
E - Education Minister
F - Family Pastor
Y - Youth Pastor
C - Counselor
T - Teacher
D - Doctor
B - Business/Community Leader
H - Para Church Ministry
U - College/University Pastor
S - Singles Pastor
O - Overseer, Network or Denominational Leader
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