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We have all the fun at our events while giving back to our Idaho and Military Community!
First name
Last name
Phone number
Street address
Postal code
Where would you like to volunteer?
Event Support
Housing Projects (Moving, painting, housekeeping, etc.)
Grant Writing
Any support needed
Supporting other Veteran Service Organizations
Mentorship - Career
Mentorship - Business Owner
Mentor - Other
How Did You Hear About Us?
I am a veteran or military serving member
I am a veteran or military spouse/family member
I attended a workshop
I attended an event
I am interested in becoming a sponsor
I am am an employer and interested in joining the Chambers Employer Network
I am interested in entrepreneurship navigation services
I am interested in using education benefits
I am interested in purchasing a home
I am interested in finding a new career opportunity
I just want to stay connected
I am interested in Supporting Home Repair Projects