Donation Request FormZia Credit Union strongly invests in and proudly supports the communities it serves. If you are seeking a charitable donation, sponsorship, or event participation from Zia Credit Union, please complete this form. Completion of this form does not ensure funding will be granted. Please allow 4 weeks for a response.Donations Must Do These:• Benefit a charitable cause• Be made to an organization that qualifies as non-profit/tax exempt under Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code• Benefit a significant segment of the community or communities within the four counties Zia serves — Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe, and/or Taos• Be limited to one donation per organization per calendar year• Promote a positive and family-oriented presence in the community• Create a positive image of Zia Credit UnionDonations Cannot Do These:• Be made to individuals, political candidates, religious organizations, or individual teams• Support travel or capital improvements
Please provide your URL and social media accounts so Zia can follow you, tag you in posts, and share your work with the community.