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Donation Request Form
Zia Credit Union strongly invests in and proudly supports the communities it serves. If you are seeking a charitable donation, sponsorship, or event participation from Zia Credit Union, please complete this form. Completion of this form does not ensure funding will be granted. Please allow 4 weeks for a response.

Donations Must Do These:
• Benefit a charitable cause
• Be made to an organization that qualifies as non-profit/tax exempt under Section 501c(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
• Benefit a significant segment of the community or communities within the four counties Zia serves — Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe, and/or Taos
• Be limited to one donation per organization per calendar year
• Promote a positive and family-oriented presence in the community
• Create a positive image of Zia Credit Union

Donations Cannot Do These:
• Be made to individuals, political candidates, religious organizations, or individual teams
• Support travel or capital improvements

Date of Event (if applicable)*
Date by which funding is needed (allow 4 weeks)*
Is someone from this organization a member of Zia Credit Union?*
What is the primary category? (select one)*
What county(ies) do you serve? (select all that apply)*
Has this organization received funding from Zia Credit Union in the last 12 months?*

Please provide your URL and social media accounts so Zia can follow you, tag you in posts, and share your work with the community.