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DREAM Program: Discover, Research, Explore, Adapt & Manage 

Welcome and thank you for expressing interest in entrepreneurship and business at ConnexionWorks!

Please fill out this form below to tell us more about you, your interests, and your business experience and we will contact you in case we need more information and /or to confirm your spot. 

For any immediate questions, please connect with the ConnexionWorks team at

The ConnexionWorks Team
Do you identify with any of the following? Check all that applies. (This information is helpful to our team as there are lots of additional support for individuals of the following groups)*
Do you have a business?*

If no, Skip the next three Questions.  

Do you want to be an entrepreneur?*

If no to being an Entrepreneur, go to the end of the form. 

How much time are you able to work on your business/ idea?