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Application: 2025 - 2026 Launch Alaska Tech Deployment Track

Deadline: Monday, May 1, 2025 at 8:00 am Alaska time (AKDT)

Applicants will be informed of acceptance by early July 2025. 

If you have any questions, email our team at

This will only be used IF your organization is selected to participate in the Tech Deployment Track Program.
Your position in the organization*

Company Information

In the fewest words possible, and no more than one sentence, tell us what your company does.
Please share a 3-4 sentence company description for the Launch Alaska website, social media, and press (to be used if you are accepted to the program).

Customer(s) and Market

1-2 paragraphs
1-2 paragraphs
1-2 paragraphs
Please share with us any initial Alaska customers that you have researched and would like to engage with while you're in our program. This helps us select appropriate advisor mentors as well as see if you are a fit for this program.

Technology Information

Launch Alaska focuses on the verticals of Energy, Transportation, and Industry, but we are open to any climate tech company who feels they have a market in Alaska and may fit in our “other” category. Not sure which category you fall under? Please see our vertical description.
Please select the highest level your technology has achieved.
Download and submit this completed form with the comments sections filled out for each section.
Select the main areas your technology covers:*
You may select multiple areas as they apply to your company.
List countries, states, and cities as appropriate
Is your company/technology currently supported by any U.S. government program? (e.g. licensed from a U.S. National Lab or receiving support from a U.S. government grant?)*
Not everyone in the Launch Alaska network has technical knowledge related to your field. Please explain how your technology works to the average person. Note how it is innovative or unique. Avoid jargon and technical terms to the best of your ability.
This should be a separate document from your traditional pitch deck that details the specifics of your technology and how your product or service works. This can include more technical information not listed above. We provide this document to advisors in the Tech Deployment Track program, but will not share publicly. Do not share confidential information.

Demographic Information

Founding team: founders + co-founders.

Executive team: your company's C-Suite, Senior VPs and VPs, or other members that currently have an equivalent level of influence on decision making. 

We strive to create programs and services that are accessible to and equitably serve the full diversity of the clean tech innovation and entrepreneurship community. We are asking the following optional question about the demographics of your company to ensure that we are meeting this goal.

Do any of your founding team + executive team members publicly self-identify as:
Select any that apply to the best of your knowledge.

Financial Information

This deck will be shared with advisors in our Tech Deployment Track program and partners, but not shared publicly. Do not share confidential information.

Social Media Information

Referral Information