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Start Up: Business Bootcamp Winter 2025 Session

Applications for our Winter 2025 session of Start Up: Business Bootcamp are now open.  This opportunity is for established businesses looking to "right the ship" or new business ideas that are trying to figure out the right path forward.

Please complete this application to be considered for the program.

Dates & Times:

February: Tuesdays & Thursdays



Luke Ramey, Entrepreneur


The Biz Foundry

114 N Cedar Ave, Cookeville TN


The program fee is $149 (plus $50 for each additional business partner attending) and includes the 4-week program, 100 page course workbook, and FREE co-working membership for the duration of the program.

Also, you will get the opportunity to meet with a lawyer, insurance, and accounting expert!

Contact Information

Please share your preferred contact information. This information will only be used to follow-up with you regarding your application.

Demographic Information

We seek to serve all entrepreneurs in our community. We ask you the following demographic questions so we can better understand how well we are doing in reaching the entire entrepreneurial community. The following demographic questions follow the structure of those asked by the US Census Bureau. The demographic information you provide will remain confidential and will only be shared externally as part of an aggregated summary of the information collected from all program applications or participants.

Which of the following describe your current employment or educational status? *
Check all that apply

Venture Information

During the program, Start Up: Business Bootcamp participants actively work to further a specific business or cause concept. We refer to all of these businesses or causes as ventures. In this section, please tell us more about your venture.

State of Business*


To get the most out of Start Up: Business Bootcamp, you will need to participate in all two-hour sessions, engage regularly with the Start Up: Business Bootcamp materials, share insights and connections with your peers, and complete targeted "fieldwork" activities weekly between group sessions. You will need to be dedicated during the program and give an adequate amount of time to it.

There is a fee for participating in this program. Please select all of the following that apply to you.

Previous Training

Previous Training Categories*


Application Agreement

Start Up: Business Bootcamp is a venture too! As such, we have to follow our own advice and ask you to enter into a little business agreement with us. The statements below were crafted by keen legal minds... and read that way. If you have any questions about the dense legalese, please let us know.