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Acting Masterclass with
Joanna Bessey

Dates/Times: To Be Confirmed
(Fill in the form to be in the Waiting List)
Coach: Joanna Bessey  

Price: RM480 per person
Location: Enfiniti Academy Studios, Kota Damansara

The Masterclass Will Cover:
- Imagination
- Scene Work
- Preparing for the Stage
- Script Analysis & Breakdown 
- Creating & Building a character 
- Inner Creative State of the Actor
- Actor's Focus & Relaxation to allow creative flow
- Preparing for the Camera – Hitting your Mark 
What is your registration status with us?
Kindly provide a proof of payment of RM480.

(If you need help sorting out your proof of payment, kindly email us at or DM us @enfinitiacademy)
Tell us your preferred time and day