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Kindly fill the form to be on the waiting list of the Transforming Your Business with AI webinar
Full name
Job title
Company name
Do you currently have an ongoing AI project or are you planning to start one soon?
When are you looking to start training to support your AI project?
In the next 1-3 months
In the next 3-6 months
In the next 6 months to 1 year
More than 1 year from now
What motivated you to sign up for this masterclass introductory webinar waiting list?
What are your biggest challenges with your AI project right now?
Are you currently using any Agile or Lean methodologies in your project management?
Yes, fully
Yes, partially
No, but planning to
I’m interested to inquire further about the "Getting the Best Outcomes on Your AI Project with Lean & Agile" masterclass
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