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Project Inquiry Form
First name
Last name
Company name
Is this a new project or an upgrade to an existing solution? if you are upgrading, please briefly introduce your existing solution.
What is the target storage interface (nvme, usb, thunderbolt, sas/sata)?
What is the target raid level (raid 0, 1, 10, etc.)?
Please describe the current application and workload (software used, general workflow).
What is the target hardware environment (motherboard/chipset platform, chassis/enclosure requirements, drive/ssd model and form-factor)?
What other pcie devices will be integrated into this environment (networking cards, capture cards, video cards, etc.), and what are their performance?
Which operating system or systems do you require support for?
How many units will you need, and what is the projected life-cycle of this project?
Please provide a general schedule for your project/product – evaluation period & mp, projected launch date.