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Director Application 

I would like to serve on the:

Agreement to Serve

I understand that in order to be nominated, I:

  • Am a member in good standing of iQ Credit Union
  • Satisfy Credit Union bonding requirements; have no felony convictions or criminal charges involving dishonesty or breach of trust
  • Am at least 18 years of age
  • Have not been employed by iQ Credit Union within the past two years
  • Am not an employee, officer or director of another financial institution
  • Do not have family members in current employment by iQ Credit Union or receiving any other form of income from iQ Credit Union. Family member is a defined in RCW 26.50.010 paragraphs (6) and (7).
  • Possess general knowledge of the Democratic Rules of Order
  • Have a current primary membership


I understand that the election will be conducted according to the following procedures:

  1. Each primary member may cast a single vote for each vacant Director position. The candidates receiving the greatest number of votes will serve regular, three-year terms. If positions for unexpired terms exist, candidates receiving the greatest number of votes, after the top vote-earners, shall serve for the unexpired terms, with the top vote-earner serving the longest unexpired term, and shorter unexpired terms being filled by the next and successive top vote-earners.

  2. I certify that, if elected, I am able to serve without any conflict of interest, and agree to comply with the requirements as described in the Board Governance Policy.

    I agree to the placing of my name in nomination and will serve, if elected as a Director, to the best of my ability.

    I agree to complete new Director orientation program outlined in the Board Education & Development policy.

    By typing my name in the box below, I agree to complete the items outlined in the Agreement to Serve in order for the Nominating Committee to accept my application as a candidate for the position of Director of iQ Credit Union.

Director and Audit Committee Application


Member of iQ since?



May we contact this employer?*


Are you now employed by a financial services organization?*
Have you ever been employed by a financial services organization?*
May we perform a background check? *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?*




I do hereby acknowledge that I have reviewed the reference materials pertinent to my request to be considered a candidate for the position of Director of iQ Credit Union including: Nominating Committee Letter, Board Position Description, iQ Bylaws Excerpt, Chapter 31.12 RCW: WASHINGTON STATE CREDIT UNION ACT.  (To review the reference materials, please view each of the links within the Reference Materials section on this page.) I understand that my consideration as a candidate is contingent upon review of this application by the Nominating Committee as well as completion of the requirements stated in the Agreement to Serve.*
Upon receiving your submission, iQ Credit Union will conduct a background check as outlined in the Background Authorization Disclosure and FCRA Summary of Rights. A link to a secure document will be emailed to you, where you can provide your information and receive and electronically acknowledge the Background Authorization Disclosure.