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Waterloo Accelerator Center Startup Visa Program Application (2024)

Thank you for your interest in our Startup Visa Program (AC: SUV).

Applicants must meet all Accelerator Centre Startup Visa Program Requirements AND IRCC  Start-up Visa Program Requirements outlined below prior to submitting this application, please check all boxes that apply before moving forward.

💡 Accelerator Centre Startup Visa Program Requirements
The Applicant's company and/or the Applicant must meet all of these requirements in order to be considered for the Accelerator Centre's Startup Visa Program*
💡 IRCC  Start-up Visa Program Requirements
Please check all requirements that apply*

Primary Applicant Information

Business/Startup Information

Is your company incorporated in Canada? *
Format: YYYY-MM; if you are not incorporated, please enter N/A
If you have incorporated in Canada, please provide your CRA number. If not, enter N/A.
Is your business currently generating revenue?
Year to date (YTD) refers to the period beginning on the first day of the current calendar year or fiscal year up to the current date.
Please select any other Accelerators or Incubators you have participated in or are currently participating in. Please select all that apply.*
What type of funding do you have?*

Your Team (excluding the primary applicant)

Does each founder currently, or will in the future, hold at least 10% of the voting rights in the company?*
Do you (and co-founders, if applicable) control any intellectual property and other assets being brought into the business?*
Is there any other person or organization (besides the founders) who holds or is expected to hold an interest in the business?*
Are you working with an immigration professional on your IRCC application to Canada?*

Additional Questions

A brief overview of your business idea or product. No more than 200 words
(Try to use one sentence, describe your company in a way that your grandparents would understand)
How are you solving a problem, how is it different than what is already out there? Do you have intellectual property, unique processes, etc.?
Do you have secondary and/or primary research data?
Who do you sell to and how?
These may include job creation, revenue, investment, etc.
Who are they and what is your competitive advantage?
If successful in being selected to participate, are you committed to the following:*


All employees of the Accelerator Centre are bound by an internal NDA. By clicking "Submit" below, you are giving permission to the Accelerator Centre to confidentially store and review this information for the purposes of intake into the program. You are also representing that all the information provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. By checking the box below you are agreeing to the above statement.*