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Welcome to GlobalPassport's Eligibility Assessment!

This assessment is designed for individuals who are eager to explore their eligibility for Italian citizenship through Jure Sanguinis.

It takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Having your family documents ready will help you provide accurate information.

Note: The more details you share about your family history, the better we can evaluate your citizenship eligibility.

Anchor Ancestor (AA) was the last member in your direct family line (parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, or older) born in Italy.
If you can, please include city/town, province, and region in Italy (e.g., 'Palermo, Palermo, Sicily')
If exact date is unknown, an approximate year is acceptable. This helps us understand the historical context of your case.

If you're unsure, provide your best guess or leave additional notes at the end

This is crucial for your eligibility. If you're unsure, leave a note in the comments section below.
This is the U.S.-born child of the Anchor Ancestor who connects your family to your Italian lineage
What is the date of birth of this child? (Please be as specific as possible)
Italy’s citizenship law, established in 1912, made it possible for Italian citizens to pass citizenship to their descendants. This law is the foundation of current eligibility for Italian citizenship by descent.

Please provide some basic information about yourself:

Include any uncertainties about dates, names, or documents you've mentioned above. Also note any special circumstances about your family history.

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