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Young Entrepreneurs Grant 2025
Thank you for applying to the Young Entrepreneurs Grant offered by ConnexionWorks thanks to the support of
The Greater Saint John Community Foundation
Please fill out this form to tell us more about you, your business, your challenges, and future plans. We will review your information and contact you to confirm your application and to schedule an interview.
For any immediate questions, please connect with
team at
to check how we can help you on your journey.
First name
Last name
What pronouns do you use?
Phone number
Date of birth
Address (Street, City, Province)
Are you ?
Please Select
Canadian citizen
Foreign worker
International Student
Permanent resident
Do you identify with any of the following? Check all that applies. (This information is helpful to our team as there are lots of additional support for individuals of the following groups)
Indigenous Peoples
African Canadian
Asian Canadian
Person with Disabilities
None of these
Prefer not to say
Where are you on the entrepreneurial journey?
Please Select
Developing a new business idea/ prototype
Validating a new business idea
Piloting my startup
Looking to pivot my business
Growing and expanding my startup
Growing and expanding my small business
Closing my business
None of the above
Do you have a business?
Please provide the name of your business
How is your business currently registered
Please Select
Not currently registered
Sole Proprietorship
For-Profit Corporation
Non-Profit Corporation
Do you have sales and/or have you started talking to potential customers? If so, how much have you sold? or, who are those potential customers?
Please provide your business URL (Website, Facebook page, Instagram, or any other online page)
Tell us about your team (Founders, supporters)
Have you taken any entrepreneurship courses?
IDEA Centre
High School Entrepreneurship Class
University Undergrad
Postgraduate Education
Other industry programs
If other, which one?
What are you looking to use this grant for?
Would you be able to submit financial projections? How does the grant impact them?
What are your growth plans?
Please add any other comments you may have (challenges, barriers, previous experiences).