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"I've gone through Sandler, I've gone through Challenger training--I would take this training over any other experience I have as a go-to-market leader. It's the best sales methodology of the last 50 years!"
--Randy Ray, CRO of

"If you could implement Gap Selling you’re in the top 1% of all salespeople."
--Mark Cove, CRO of CoreStream

"I've been through 20 of these and this was the first time it ever resonated with me, and I noticed it resonated with everyone else in the room. What was different about A Sales Growth Company is it was about sellers thinking and being engaged and not just going through a list of questions."
--Chris Adams, CSO of Scorpion

"We increased our bookings of replacing our two main competitors 140% year over year. We doubled our replacements. We saw 60% increase in bookings and 70% increase in average products per new booked order. Our win rate increased 23%."
--Matt Gahr, CRO of Emburse