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COPC® Best Practices for Customer Experience Operations (BPCXO) Training

06th to 10th October 2025

- No. of sessions: 5
- Time: 9.00am to 6.00pm, Singapore Time (UTC +8)
- Venue:
   Copthorne King's Hotel Singapore
   403 Havelock Rd Singapore 169632


Please complete this online registration form:

I/My company will pay by:

Please note

1) Upon successful submission, you will see a “Thank you” screen. If you do not see the “thank you” message immediately, please review your form and ensure all fields are complete.

2) We will provide you with an invoice for your payment arrangement and advise on the mode of payment.

3) Registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment. Payment not received before commencement of training will result in entry being denied.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations outside of 60 days receive a full refund. Between 31 and 60 days, a 5% transfer fee will be applied if registrants are moved to a later class. Paid tuition will be applied to the new class registration. Cancellations will not be refunded.

  • Between 1 and 30 days, a transfer fee of 25% will be applied if registrants are moved to a later class. Paid tuition will be applied to the new class registration. Cancellations will not be refunded.

  • Fees can be waived if a substitute student is sent, contingent upon submitting the request in writing 14 days or more before the class. In the unlikely event that COPC cancels a class, purchased seats will be moved to the next available class of the same type if there is one. Should no course be available, or upon the purchaser’s request, a full refund will be provided.

  • Written notification of transfer or cancellation is required and should be sent to Lay-Pheng at