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Report A Violation

PMA licensees are licensed as spiritual providers and are expected to conduct their practices and services with integrity and in a manner that would be expected of a spiritual provider. If you feel that a licensee has acted in any manner that is inconsistent with the conduct reasonably expected of a spiritual provider, or has violated the terms of an Agreement for Wellness Services he or she has with you, the licensee may be in violation of his or her license regulations and we would appreciate your letting us know.

The PMA does not mediate complaints you may have about services you have received from a PMA licensee. Please refer to the Agreement for Wellness Services or other agreement (s)  you have with the licensee for instructions on filing or settling a dispute or complaint.


Your Information:

Your Address *

Best Phone to Reach You
Date of Birth


If a question does not apply  or you do not know the answer, enter N/A or "I don't know". Do not leave any question blank.

Oath & Permission
Please acknowledge your agreement  with the following two items by placing a check by each.