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Start Your Fee Arrangement Application

Must be the student email and NOT the email of agent or guardian
Check your offer letter for the amount you need to pay
Original Due Date*
Check your offer letter for the payment due date

Terms and Conditions


To be eligible to a new payment schedule or a new payment due date, you need to satisfy each of the following requirements:

  • You have been attending classes regularly.
  • Outstanding fees arrangement - the period between the scheduled payments does not exceed 2 weeks and does not affect any of your following scheduled payments.
  • Split payments request - the period between the scheduled payments does not exceed 4 weeks and does not affect any of your following scheduled payments.
  • Change of payment due date request- the new due date is not more than 4 weeks after the current due date and does not affect any of your following scheduled payments.
  • The initial payment is minimum 50% of the outstanding amount.
  • You do not study for free at any point.


Declaration (Fee Arrangement)*