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Are you a US citizen?*
When would you like to start the business?*
How much in available liquid funds do you have to invest into your business?*
Do you currently have recurring monthly income?*
Are you a licensed medical professional? (choose all that apply)*
Do you currently own a Medical Practice?
Will you require assistance to source financing options?*
How is your credit?*
Are there any issues or obstacles that need to be addressed prior to you getting started?*
Are you looking to replace or enhance your current income?*
Do you currently or have you ever owned a business?
Have you managed employees?*
Are you planning to be hands-on or a passive owner?*
Do you plan to operate the business yourself?
Security/Family Time/Tired of Corporate Grind/Flexibility/etc.
Do you tend to be assertive or non-assertive in your undertakings?*
Would you characterize yourself as being extroverted or introverted?*
Are you task oriented or people oriented?*
How are your internet marketing skills?*
(Adwords, PPC, SEM, etc.)
How are your social media skills?*
(Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.)
How long have you been looking into purchasing a business / franchise opportunity?*
Customer Declaration