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vol.6 Sign Up Form

Date of Birth (e.g., 1990/03/17) | 生年月日 例:1990/03/17*
Please provide a phone number where someone other than the participant can be reached. | 参加者本人以外の方へ連絡がとれる電話番号をご入力下さい 
Have you tried mountain bike before? | マウンテンバイク経験はありますか?*
Which lesson would you like to take? | ご希望のレッスン*

Mountain Bike Rental | マウンテンバイクのレンタルに関して

Please indicate what equipment you will need to rent | どの機材をレンタルする必要があるかをお知らせください*


Photography Right | 写真の使用に関して *

Please understand we take photos for our website and socials. If you are okay, please press the button below. 



Injury | 怪我に関して

Please use your own insurance while you are taking this lesson. We are not offering any insurance support however if you would like to know where to get it, then please let us know. 




Those of you agreed above criteria are able to attend this lesson. If you are agreed with this, please press below button.