Please fill in the information below to kick start your request for NEW marketing/communications material. (This could be an ad, a poster, a logo, a Powerpoint template, zhuzzing up a diagram...)Please do not use this form IF you need:- Changes to existing material (like a different version of an existing flyer)- Printed or digital copies of material, or merchandise (e.g. 200 copies of an existing brochure for an event, digital copy of an artwork file, branded pens)- Changes to the GS website or a file uploaded to the websiteThere are different forms for those requests! 😁If you need support in filling out this form or have questions, please email Steph:
Please double check the information above, and when you're ready, click 'Submit request'. We aim to triage requests within one business day and allocate to the Marketing/Comms workstream. 👍Requests can only be triaged if all required information has been provided.We'll contact you if we have any questions. Thank you for your request!