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Request to create NEW Marketing/Comms Material

Please fill in the information below to kick start your request for NEW marketing/communications material. (This could be an ad, a poster, a logo, a Powerpoint template, zhuzzing up a diagram...)

Please do not use this form IF you need:
- Changes to existing material (like a different version of an existing flyer)
- Printed or digital copies of material, or merchandise (e.g. 200 copies of an existing brochure for an event, digital copy of an artwork file, branded pens)
- Changes to the GS website or a file uploaded to the website

There are different forms for those requests! 😁

If you need support in filling out this form or have questions, please email Steph:

Due date
Indicate when the material needs to be completed by
Intended audience*
Tick the box/es that indicate who will see / receive this communication
Why are you talking to this audience? What do you hope this communication will accomplish?
How will we measure if the marketing / communications is effective? Please be as specific as you can.
Specify the required size and format, as well as any other production guidelines
Please let us know how many you will need?
Let us know any other info you think might be relevant in fulfilling this request
Who needs to be CONSULTED as we develop this material?*
Who will you consult as part of the briefing and development process? Who's input or approval will you need to seek when reviewing the work?
Who has FINAL approval?*
Who needs to sign off on this material before it can be distributed publicly? Please refer to Delegations of Authority matrix or contact us if you have any questions.
Do you have budget available if external resources are required?
If you have info or images to accompany this brief, please upload here.

Please double check the information above, and when you're ready, click 'Submit request'. 

We aim to triage requests within one business day and allocate to the Marketing/Comms workstream. 👍

Requests can only be triaged if all required information has been provided.
We'll contact you if we have any questions. Thank you for your request!