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Application Form – CTP PhD proposal

1. Studentship details:

Studentship start date
Studentship end date

2. Supervisory Team Details:

Primary Academic Supervisor

Secondary Academic Supervisor

Industry Supervisor

Additional Colleague

(If you have more than one additional colleague, please include the details below in their respective CV)

** Please include short CVs of supervisors and colleague(s) listed above (max 2 pages for each person)

3. Engagement with NBIC

4. Industrial Partner Commitment

Please submit one Letter of Support per Industry Partner

4.1 NBIC CTP Main Studentship Additional Funding

Please make sure that all the costs for the MAIN CTP PhD studentships are listed. Please complete the CTP partner contribution sheet with any contribution from the industry partner(s) and research organisation, including description, contribution type and amount.
Types of contribution:
a. Cash: Actual money transferred directly to the project (e.g. stipend top-up, RTSG top up, additional grants)
a.1 Industrial Partners are responsible for contributing the following amounts to the NBIC training programme for the duration of the studentship - please, choose relevant option. (Recipient is NBIC)
- Large and Multinational Companies: £40K (4-y)
- SMEs: £20K (4-y)
- Micro Companies: £4K (4-y)
a.2 BBSRC require Industrial Partners with more than 50 contribute £1,400 per annum (£5.6K for 4-y) per doctoral candidate to the hosting Research Organisation (Recipient is the Research Organisation)
b. Cash equivalent: Value of items bought directly for the project but which did not incur money transfer between partners (e.g. consumables, reagents, training)
c. In-kind: Any contribution that does not require cash but can be assigned a monetary value (e.g. in house training, utilisation of existing equipment, estate costs, university overheads) 

The Industry Partner is prepared to become an NBIC member and is it included in LoS?

By selecting “Yes” the (main) Industrial Partner is prepared to become a member of NBIC and remain so for the duration of the project from the point of award. Please include this statement in the letter of support. For further information on costs, please refer to the guidelines above, enquires can be submitted to NBIC Team at

5. Proposed research project:

Application Form – Paired PhD

1. Studentship details:

Studentship start date
Studentship end date

2. Supervisory Team Details:

Primary Academic Supervisor

Secondary Academic Supervisor

Industry Supervisor (Optional)

Additional Colleague

4. Proposed research project:

EDI Survey
We are monitoring the diversity of people applying for the CTP funding, both to help us deepen our understanding of our NBIC community, and as part of the post-award reporting process to BBSRC for this funding programme. EDI information provided will be used to identify areas for improvement and to understand the effectiveness of our policies and procedures in eliminating discrimination and promoting opportunities. We will treat this information in confidence.
The EDI survey can be accessed here:EDI Survey
Please, confirm that all the persons detailed in this proposal (applicant and collaborators) have completed the NBIC-EDI survey:
All persons have completed NBIC-EDI survey