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Workplace Giving ePledge Form

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ePledge is an online giving tool that makes giving easy and managing your campaign more effective!  This secure, web-based pledging process eliminates the need for paper pledge forms, tracks campaign data in real-time, and delivers effective campaign management reports.
ePledge is also a very customizable way to share your passion for supporting United Way of Central Minnesota with your employees. By selecting from options such as personalized messages from your CEO to a schedule of special events, your employess will have one landing page to keep your campaign details organized and accessible. 

Company Contact Information


Campaign Start Date
Campaign End Date
Our employees have the option to rollover pledges from last year.

Welcome Message:


Welcome Message from United Way of Central Minnesota:

Service to others is the greatest gift we can share.  In a world filled with assorted challenges covering multiple aspects of personal living—food, safety, security, stability, physical and mental health, educationthe ability to reach out and "touch" lives of people in need is of paramount importance.  


Your donation to United Way helps to minimize and alleviate life's roadblocks and barriers for people in Central Minnesota.  Your gift will positively impact people in various ways through the work of United Way in key areas such as education, mental health, and financial stability. Donors to United Way also provide support for our partner organizations working directly with children, adults, and families in Central Minnesota with hunger, homelessness, domestic abuse, mental health availability, childcare, and education.  


I want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your willingness to assist people in our communities through your donation to United Way of Central Minnesota.  Your gift is a key part of the lifeline that many people need to get through each day.  I am incredibly humbled and grateful for your desire to unconditionally help those in need.


Stephen Jones

President/CEO, United Way of Central Minnesota

Welcome Message from Your Leadership

To show strong company support we also recommend to include a message from your CEO or President. This short message can detail why your company chooses to support United Way of Central Minnesota and how important it is for your employees to as well. 

Other Options Available: 

The following options are available to enrich your ePledge page. Please include the following information on any category you'd like included on your personalized page. 

Employee Roster

You're almost done! 

The last piece is the most important. At least 2 weeks prior to your Workplace Giving Campaign you will need to provide us with a completed Employee Roster. This will allow us to create each individual login for your employees. 


Download Employee Roster Template Here


Once completed either attach here or email to:

Password Options

Please Select One:*

Thank you for completing our ePledge Form! Our staff will work to set up your page and will contact you with any questions. 

Please download this Users Guide that you can distribute to your employees. This will walk them through the process of using ePledge when you are ready.