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Terminal Order Form

Shipping Contact
Shipping Contact
Shipping Contact
Where should we send your new device(s)?
Card Reader Models*
Not sure which device is best for you or need to review pricing? Check out this article.
If ordering multiple devices, please indicate quantity per device
Purchase or Lease*
This can be found in Settings>Payments within the Commerce7 admin panel
Purchased Hardware:
Purchases have a one year warranty (detailed below):Provider gives a one (1) year warranty, starting on the date of shipment, that the Hardware will be free from errors in workmanship - or defects in materials. (Please refer to sub-merchant agreement for specifications on approved causes for terminal replacements)
If the Merchant returns Hardware which it bought from Provider
within forty-five (45) days of purchase in original condition and never used or opened, provider will credit the Merchant the purchase price less a restocking fee of $150.
Provider cannot accept Hardware for credit after 45 days of the date of shipment to the Merchant or if the device packaging has been opened.
Can the Merchant swap a purchased device for different one?  No. Instead, the Merchant would return the existing device (provided that the return follows the rules above) - and then order a different device.

Leased Hardware:
Initial Leases are for (1) year and renew 90 days before the end of the lease period on an annual basis. Ex. Lease begins January 1st 2023, you must notify provider by October 1st 2023 that you wish to terminate the lease agreement (90 days notice). 
If a Merchant requests new hardware (outside of inoperability/warranty), a new lease or purchase agreement must be entered.
If a Merchant wishes to end an existing lease, they must provide notification 90 days prior to the end of the existing lease to prevent any further fees. At that point, they may enter a new processing/lease agreement.
Leased devices have a lifetime warranty. 
Can the Merchant swap a leased device for different one? No. Instead, the Merchant would be charged the remainder of the existing lease - and a new lease agreement would be entered into for a different device.