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Merchant Application Form (Payment Gateway)
Business Details
Business Name
ABN Number
Registered Legal Address
Postal code
Year founded
Business Website Name
About Your Business
Industry Type
Estimated Annual Turnover
Estimated Card Volume
Average Transaction Size
Do you provide refunds
Please Select
Maximum refund amount
Number of refunds per month
Payment Methods
Card Present
If your customers leave a deposit
What percentage of the sales value is the deposit amount
Minimum number of days for delivery from date of deposit?
How long from time of payment are the goods/services delivered?
0 Days
1 - 7 Days
14 Days or more
Beneficial Owner 1
Full Name
Mobile Number
Email Address
Street Name and Number
Please Select
New South Wales
Australian Capital Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Benefical Owner 2 (if applicable)
Full Name
Mobile Number
Email Address
Street Name and Number
Please Select
New South Wales
Australian Capital Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Settlement Account Details
Account Name
Account Number
Bank Name
Trust Account
Please Select
Identification Documentation for Verification
Drivers License (front & back)
Medicare Card
Business Bank Statement
What you agree to:
This Merchant Agreement is comprised of
1. The Collection Statement;
2. The General Terms;
3. The Merchant Application Form signed by the Company;
4. Any additional document listed in the Application (as and where applicable)
By signing this Merchant Agreement Application Form, you:
1. acknowledge having received, read and understood the Merchant Application Form and agree to be bound by same;
2. agree to the use and disclosure of your personal information as set out in the Collection Statement and agree to be bound by the privacy obligations as detailed in the General Terms and the Collection Statement;
3. warrant that the information provided in this Application is correct and not misleading;
4. warrant that you are duly authorised to agree to the debiting and crediting of payments to the account or accounts nominated in this Application; and
5. warrant that any individual signatory is authorised to enter into this Merchant Agreement on behalf of the Merchant.
6. agree that VisionPay does not provide a currency exchange service. VisionPay permits you to accept cash out and sales transactions in multiple currencies. You are not entitled to receive the value of those transactions in which they are denominated. VisionPay will determine the value of transactions having regard to the currency in which you would prefer to settle on the day and at such rates as it considers appropriate.
If your business is (i) a company - the application must be signed by a Vice President (c-level) or higher, (ii) an incorporated non-profit - the application must be signed by a Vice President or higher, (iii) a partnership - the signatories should constitute 51% or more of the ownership of the business or be signed by the managing partner as evidenced by the partnership agreement, (iv) a sole trader - the signatory should be the sole trader or (v) a trust - the signatory should be the trustee or the person named (either a company or an individual) on the trust deed.
Do you agree to the above terms and conditions