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NAS membership application form

Please fill in the below form to apply for NAS membership.

  • Full Membership for the companies operating in shopfitting / fit-out market.
  • Associate Membership for the companies offering products and services to shopfitters.
  • Approved Training Providers for the companies delivering industry relevant training.

If you're not sure which level of membership is best suited to you, please give us a call 01883624961 or email

Membership type*
Please select the membership type you're applying for.

Your company details

Date of formation *
Have any directors been declared bankrupt, or have a composition with their creditors?*

Contact Information

Business Development and Public Contact Detail

This information will be held publicly within the Members Directory and will be designated point of contact for external parties to discuss business opportunities.

Business Structure

Do you manufacture your own products?*
Do you subcontract labour?*
Do you offer apprenticeships?*
Do you pay the government apprenticeship levy?*
Do you pay the CITB levy?*
This information allows us to assist you with CITB relations and potential funding opportunities.
Are you a member of any other trade associations?*

Specialist contacts

Answering the questions below, please advise who is the most appropriate person within your organisation for liaison in the following areas.

This information will assist us to communicate topics of interest to the most appropriate people in your organisation. Please include their full name and email address.

HR & People Management
Accountancy & Finance
Health & Safety


Please upload a good quality version of your company logo. If possible, please upload your logo on white background (jpg) or without background (png).

Final questions

How would you like to pay for your membership subscription?*

Privacy and communications