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Welcome to the BioFi Project Expression of Interest Form!

As the BioFi project, we aim to grow reciprocal, trust-based relationships of mutual learning and support with those Bioregional Organizing Teams that the BioFi Project is uniquely suited to support and this form is an invitation to begin a conversation with us! 

We’d like to begin a relationship with you and facilitate relationships that can support your efforts as well as the strength, coherence, and integrity of the movement as a whole. With your consent, we intend to make the data submitted here available to the BioFi Community of Practice — a global community of practitioners who are designing, capitalizing, implementing, and evolving Bioregional Financing Facilities through peer-to-peer learning and coordination. Submissions are still welcome from those who would like to keep their information private. 

If you haven’t already, please sign up for the BioFi Community of Practice on Hylo, so you can be notified of its welcome gathering in July and deepen your learning journey around Bioregional Financing Facilities! 

As a final note: We know that trying to describe place and webs of relationality in a text box on a digital form can be painful and is never going to be adequate. We appreciate you putting in the effort despite that challenge, and we look forward to being in live dialogue with you soon where we can be human together and learn more about your unique context. 

What's your name, and how should we be in touch?

E.g. ‘Cascadia’ or ‘Salmon Nation’ 
(Country / Region / Specific Area)
(If it has one)
E.g. When and how did it begin, how has it grown, how many people and groups are involved, and what is its geographic scope? 
If so, please list them here.
Please offer a 1-2 sentence summary, but if you would like to write more, please feel free. 
Thank you for your responses! Are you comfortable with your responses being shared within the BioFi Community of Practice?
If you are interested in presenting on your work within the BioFi Community of Practice, we can help you with the design, hosting, facilitation, and tech support!