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biofest invest

Please review the sponsorship options below and select by select the desired level. 

Innovation Award Sponsorship Level

Presenting Sponsor ($15,000)

  • 3 Corporate Tables with up to 8 attendees at each table
  • 4 seats at the Head Table
  • 1 minute video ad during the award presentation (pre-recorded)
  • Logo and name displayed with highest prominence on promotional materials, website, dinner program and signage/screens during the event
  • Sponsorship celebrated on website for 9 months

Diamond Sponsor ($10,000)

  • 2 Corporate Tables with up to 8 attendees at each table
  • 2 seats at the Head Table
  • Logo and name displayed prominently on promotional materials, website, dinner program and signage/screens during the event
  • Sponsorship celebrated on website for 9 months

Gold Sponsor ($7,500)

  • 1 Corporate Table with up to 8 attendees
  • 2 seats at the Head Table
  • Logo and name displayed on promotional materials, website, dinner program and signage/screens during event
  • Sponsorship celebrated on website for 9 months

Silver Sponsor ($5,000)

  • 1 Corporate Table with up to 8 attendees
  • Logo and name displayed on promotional materials, website, dinner program and signage/screens during event
  • Sponsorship celebrated on website for 9 months

Corporate Sponsor ($2,000)

  • Corporate Table with up to 8 attendees