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2025 Hoboken Artisan Market Application
Please Note new location 770 Jackson Street Plaza, Hoboken

Are you a Hoboken Resident?*
Your Products*
A "Green Company" acts in a way that minimizes damage the environment. Is your company Green?*
Do you want to rent a space with electricity?
BECOME A VIP VENDOR! If you select ALL dates and PAY in advance, you will enjoy extra benefits! Priority table placement, prominent position in all vendor listings on website and newsletters, and a special "VIP Vendor” Tag on all promotional listings.  You will also receive an additional mention in our PR campaign efforts, an exclusive VIP Vendor showcase.

Please indicate which dates. If you choose to be a VIP VENDOR, please check off all dates listed below.

Please indicate your agreement to the following:

I agree to tag @MainStreetPops on Social Media for all markets
Main street Pops Waiver