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ELEVATE Longmont

Annual Retention Survey 

Each year, the ELEVATE Committee conducts this primary employer survey. The goals of this survey are to identify industry trends, gather strategic intelligence, address concerns, identify new opportunities, and offer support. The results are used to inform LEDP’s future programs, initiatives, and to share information with the community. This information is vital to Longmont EDP's work and provides the foundation to support the economic health of the community. 

Only questions with an asterisk are required; all other questions are optional, but completing the survey in its entirety provides us with the most complete picture of Longmont's business climate and economic landscape. Any information you provide on this survey is confidential. Responses will only be reported in aggregate; however, information may be shared with the ELEVATE Longmont Committee unless we are directed otherwise.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact Krista Colehower, Operations Specialist for the Longmont EDP at or by phone at (303) 651-0128.


Longmont location type (required)*
Choose one
Which functions are located in Longmont? (required)*
Select all that apply


In dollars
In dollars
Do you provide healthcare benefits for your employees?
Select all that apply
What are your employment projections for the next two years for this facility? (required)*
Choose one
If declining, due to:
Select all that apply
What are your entry level employee education/experience requirements? (required)*
Select all that apply
Which, if any of the following present the most significant workforce challenges for your company?
Select all that apply
Do you have any challenges regarding employee attraction and recruitment?
Select all that apply
In the past year, have you made any changes to your compensation packages and/or incentives in order to attract new employees? (required)*
Select all that apply
Do you have any challenges regarding employee retention?
Select all that apply
Do you have any challenges regarding employee training and development?
Select all that apply
What are the most prominent sources you use for recruiting? (required)*
Select all that apply
Do you have an internship or apprenticeship program? (required)*
Select all that apply
What resources are used by your organization to meet training needs? (required)*
Select all that apply
Numbers only
Numbers only
What is the average commute time for your employees? (required)*
Choose one
How important is access to reliable and affordable childcare for your employees? (required)*
Choose one
Are you willing to invest more corporate resources into childcare for your workforce? (required)*
Choose one
To what degree has housing affordability impacted your ability to recruit and retain employees at your Longmont facility? (required)*
Choose one

Business Operations

What is your projected (next two years) revenue trend at this facility? (required)*
Choose one
What is your projected (next two years) profitability at this facility? (required)*
Choose one
In dollars
Are you exporting goods/services outside of the Boulder County region? (required)*
Select all that apply

Sites and Facilities

How would you rate the risk of this facility closing in the next 1 - 2 years? (required)*
Choose one
How would you rate the risk of this facility downsizing in the next 1 - 2 years? (required)*
Choose one

Public Infrastructure & Utilities

How important is regional transportation connectivity to your business to move your workforce, goods and services? (required)*
Choose one
What resources, if any, are you willing to invest in resolving mobility and transportation challenges? (required)*
Select all that apply

Business Climate

Overall, how satisfied are you with Longmont as a business location?
What are the top 3 advantages of operating in the Longmont area? (required)*
Please select up to three
What are the top 3 disadvantages associated with operating in Longmont?
Please select up to three