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Innovation Radar Prize 2021 - 21st October 2021


As in previous years of the Innovation Radar Prize, this year the public will have the opportunity to assist the jury on their search for the best innovation of 2021! Now is your chance to vote for your 3 favorite innovations from the 24 selected innovations, out of a tremendous number of applications for the 2021 Innovation Radar Prize. In the survey below, you can vote for up to 3 innovations.


The voting will end on the 30 of September and the outcome will be considered by the jury for their selection of the 12 Innovation Radar Prize finalists. Make sure to support your favorite innovator and start voting right now!


Use this link to learn more about the Innovation Radar Prize 2021. Below are details of the 24 selected innovations.


Select your favorite innovation to win the 2021 Innovation Radar Prize (max. 3 innovations).

Please find below the list of successful candidates taking place in the public voting

  • 3D NEONET - Linköping University: In-vivo diagnostic tool for clinical decision support in cancer, by accurate & timely prediction of anti-cancer drug efficacy
  • Arhel: Development of measuring instruments and sensors for physical quantities based on the reuse of whey
  • BioPhero: Provides low-cost bio-based pheromones for pest management
  • C2C - NewCap: Developing electric energy storage solutions and supercapacitor prototypes based on metal oxides
  • C2CA Technology - Delft University of Technology: Developing a technology resulting in a reliable and high capacitance plug-and-play device
  • contextflow: 3D image-based search engine to help improve radiologists’ daily clinical workflows
  • CYRIC CYPRUS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CENTER: Insofeet is a wearable solution for workplace safety enhancement and optimization
  • Demosofc - Politecnico di Torino: Industrial Biogaz fed fuel cell plant in Europe - Politecnico di Torino (IT)
  • EnGenes Biotech: delivering cost-effective recombinant protein production
  • Iceotope: home of cutting edge liquid cooling technology
  • Keey Aerogel: Provider of sustainable insulation material solutions from recycled silica from construction waste
  • Kybo Cyber Range Platform - Masaryk University: Open-source software providing flexible, scalable, affordable hands-on cybersecurity
  • MetGen: Designing & marketing of more sustainable BIO-BASED additive for fibre based packaging board
  • MPC - KU Leuven: Developing a whole new model for indoor heating to reduce the energy consumption by up to 40%
  • MULTIWAVE IMAGING: Developing metamaterial MRI devices to improve patient comfort, image quality, and patient throughput
  • Quibim: Producer of whole body radiological image analysis based on Artificial Intelligence
  • QWED: Producer of QuickWave, extremely accurate electromagnetic simulators, tailor-made to users' need
  • React4Life: Organ-on-chip solution to improve the development of new drugs and reduce the use of animals for trials
  • Roboception: Innovative 3D vision hardware & software solutions to increase the perception and precision of robotic systems
  • RunEL NGMT: Developed a complete 5G solution optimised for Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication
  • SelfBack: AI driven digital therapeutics solution providing tailored treatment for low back pain
  • SUITCEYES - University of Borås, Sweden; Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands: Developing a system designed for communication by, and with, people with deafblindness
  • U_CODE - TU Dresden: Digital platform making the process of urban planning inclusive for all citizen
  • WINGS ICT: Development of Aquawings a solution manage to deliver control and optimization of aquaculture farms