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Thank you for your interest in the Corporate Power Hour! Please fill out the form below, and a member of our team will contact you within 24 hours.

We look forward to connecting with you and providing more information about the topics covered. 

AOoA Programs Discussed:
Please indicate if you would like additional information about any of the topics listed below by checking the corresponding box or leaving a comment.

Detailed List of Area Office on Aging, Inc. Programs

Assisted Living Waiver Program

Helps bridge the gap between an older adult living in their own home independently and living in a nursing home, a cost-effective option for long-term care.

Benefits Counseling

Ohio Department of Insurance OSHIIP Medicare counselors who are trained and certified. No cost, non-biased, objective Medicare assistance.

Family Caregiver Support Program

Provides information to caregivers about available services; assistance to caregivers in gaining access to services; counseling, support groups, and caregiver training; and respite care.

Home Energy Assistance Program

Provides a one-time benefit to eligible Ohioans with cooling assistance during the summer months.

Home Repair Program - a state-funded program through the Ohio Department of Aging for minor home repairs and modifications

In-Home Care Programs

Provide home-delivered meals and a home health aide to help with bathing and dressing. Other services include minor home modification, emergency response systems, home medical equipment and supplies, adult day services, transportation, and more.

PASSPORT Program can help with home-delivered meals, bathing, dressing, housekeeping, transportation, emergency response systems, adult day services, equipment and more.

Kinship Navigator Program - Supporting Grandparents and Relatives Raising Children

Provides information and referral services that link kinship and grandfamilies to vital community resources and offers evidence-based programs, support groups, club meetings, a robust summer series.

Lucas County Senior Dining Site Program

Lyman W. Liggins Senior Nutrition Program provides a home-style lunch meal Monday-Friday at various dining sites throughout Lucas County.

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

This program provides over 22,000 older adults in northwest Ohio with $50 worth of locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and honey from local farmers to eligible adults 60 years of age or better.

Volunteer Programs

Volunteer programs allow older adults to give back to the community and provide a way to remain active. RSVP offers a full range of volunteer opportunities.

We’re excited to help you explore these topics further and answer any questions you may have!

Dr. Tina Williams, Ed.D, MBA, BA
Director of Community Engagement | Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc.

2155 Arlington Avenue | Toledo, OH 43609

419-382-0624 ext. 1137

