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Thank you for being a hand-raiser and supporting United Way of Central Minnesota as a Workplace Champion! 
As a Workplace Champion, you bring the work of United Way to life - in board rooms, break rooms, luncheons, leadership meetings, conversations with co-workers, and campaign activities of all kinds. You educate your peers about why United Way is the best way to make the biggest difference in our community and you inspire them to do something about it.
We want to support you throughout your Workplace Giving Campaign this year. We have many tools and resources that will help make your campaign seamless and engaging. 
Please complete the form below to request any materials you need for your campaign. Your United Way Relationship Manager will reach out to you to confirm your request and answer any questions you may have. 
Thank you again for Raising Your Hand!

Company Contact Information


Important Dates

What date would you like United Way to deliver your supplies?*
Campaign Start Date
Campaign End Date

United Way Representative


We know every workplace is different. We will work with you to develop a United Way presentation schedule that's right for your company.

  • Any size group
  • Any number of presentations - from one large presentation to multiple for each shift.
  • Multiple work sites? No problem!
  • Any length of time (seriously... even if you only have one minute!)
  • Any time of day or night - yes, we have presented at 2am! 

Please consider scheduling a United Way speaker and/or video presentation.  Even if you've hosted a speaker in prior years, remember that new employees may have joined your team. Plus, we always have new success stories to share.

Would you like us to contact you to schedule a presentation from a United Way Representative?

Essential Resources Needed: 

Our employees have the option to roll over pledges from last year.
United Way will use this number to calculate your participation rate for our Community Celebration Awards in June.

Please indicate the number needed: 

Other Available Resources

Items are based on availability. Your United Way Campaign Manager will contact you to confirm availability of items.

Please check all requested materials:

We have a variety of themed supplies that may include decor, costumes, games, and more. If you're interested borrowing one of these totes, please check below: 

Themes Available:

Raise Your Hand Materials


All posters are available to download and customize from our website. Please visit: to download. 

While we will assist you with printing posters if needed,  every dollar counts when it comes to our community. Please help us cut costs by printing your own posters. Small actions like these can add up to big change in our community!