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Pickles Sandbox Release Challenges #1 and #2

Explore the Pickles Sandbox challenges here:

Once you've successfully set up the Coda Pickles Sandbox and tried out the core functionalities, fill out this form to send us screenshots and a txt-file of the entire Coda client status to complete the challenge!

(Please enter full discord ID, eg. o1christine#8079. Your Discord ID is required to update the leaderboard.)
Please report how long it took for you to produce a block by checking the logs.
Send us a screenshot of the logs and txt-file as proof of the time it took you to produce a block
For this challenge you will receive testnet points* for minting, and additional points* for sending your own token to the following address: B62qoDWfBZUxKpaoQCoFqr12wkaY84FrhxXNXzgBkMUi2Tz4K8kBDiv – Please send us screenshots of the logs as proof of this.