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Leaking/uncomfortable goggles help form

We are really sorry to hear that you have experienced problems with your goggles.

We will do everything we can to find a solution, as part of this we would like to understand a bit better what and where the problems are occurring. Before you describe the problem. Our goggles are custom made to sit in a very specific way on your face. Please go through the first steps below to see if this solves the problem.
What you can test at home:
1) The goggles are pre-fitted with the nose piece that is supposed to fit you the best. In case you have slightly different preference, we have added a smaller and a larger nose piece that you could try if you feel the fit is not as it should be. You find the extra nose pieces under the padding inside the case.

Next step, go to the pool:
2) Fasten the strap around your head. The strap is split in two, one should go straight back from the temple of the goggles, the second strap should be placed higher on the back of your head so that you create a slightly upward pull.
YOU DO NOT WANT to place the straps too low or too high on the back of your head, this will pull the goggles downwards or upwards and it will cause leaking/discomfort.
3) Tighten the strap. We recommend that you start out by having a really loose strap, and then slowly tightening the strap until you reach the point that is perfect for you. You want the fit to be comfortable and the goggles should fit without suction.
We sincerely hope the above fixed the problem.
Submit Feedback
If it did not, please continue below to fill out the form and one of our fit specialists will reach out ASAP to assist you in getting the perfect fit for your goggles!
First and last name
Do you prefer a refund or a new goggle with an updated fit?*
Do you need us to ship the new goggles to a different address than last time? Then input it here, please.
Nose piece size - which one did you prefer?*

Based on the image above, please fill out the information below indicating where the goggles are either leaking or causing pain/pressure. If you are only experiencing leaking or discomfort on one side and not the other, please indicate that for each question.

Do your goggles leak on one eye only or on both eyes?*
Where are your goggles leaking?
You can select more than one area.
Do your goggles cause pain/pressure on one eye only or on both eyes?*
Where are your goggles causing pain/pressure?
You can select more than one area.
Please include one photo from the front (similar to the numbered photo above), and one photo in a side profile from each side