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Thanks for taking the time to share your story. You are AMAZING!
First name as per profile
Last name as per profile
Email (GK profile email address)
Golden Key Chapter (University where membership was obtained)
Please Select
Brock University
Carleton University
Concordia University
Dalhousie University
MacEwan University
McGill University
McMaster University
Mount Royal University
University of Alberta
University of Lethbridge
University of New Brunswick, Saint John
University of Northern British Columbia
University of Saskatchewan
University of Windsor
University of Winnipeg
Tell us about your journey... You can note any Golden Key activities you have been involved in, any chapter positions, if you won a scholarship, and a bit about yourself and where you are in your academic career and plans for the future, etc.
Info to be posted on social media
Photo of Member
Photo to be posted on social media
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