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IPWatchdog In-Person Programs

Full-Time In-House/Corporate Legal Counsel, Academia & 

Government Employee Discount Application

Thank you for your interest in attending the IPWatchdog in-person program, including our annual meeting - IPWatchdog LIVE, our Masters Series of events, and/or our Women's IP Forum.

If you are a FULL-TIME In-House/Corporate Legal Counsel, University Professor, or Government Employee, you may qualify for a discounted ticket price.  Please complete the entire form, and use your business email showing the organization you work for.  If you qualify, we will contact you with a unique link to register and pay for your ticket to attend.  

* This discount is not available to in-house marketing or sales personnel.  Those who apply, who clearly are not full-time in-house/corporate legal counsel, a professor, or a government employee, will not receive a response.

Please select the program(s) for which you are interested in purchasing a ticket today.  The price per ticket is in parentheses.*
Please provide us with the URL to your personal bio on your company website.  If you do not have one, please put: "Do not have one".
Are you or your firm/company interested in sponsoring an IPWatchdog event?*