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Wellbeing Quiz
Check your knowledge about this topic.
What is your responsibility for your wellness while working at WTGL.
Participate in making the workplace better by giving us feedback. Understand the communication systems and who to reach out to.
Help the team to craft new Wellness Standing Operating Procedures
Keep in touch with the team to make sure everyone is ok and help each other.
What is the Wellbeing Bonus?
A cash bonus of $200 for every staff member that is struggling financially will receive.
A performance-based incentive.
A $200 per year contribution towards a recreational/sport equipment or activity (provided you have been with the company for 12 months or more).
How do I submit feedback anonymously if I don't want myself recorded with the submission.
Contact Worksafe
Contact ACC
Use the "Improve it" message and don't enter your sender details. This will make sure that the form is submitted anonymously.