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BE Ultimate One Color Lateral-1

Open a Customer Service Ticket

In order for us to serve you better as well as improve our service in the future, please fill out the form below to the best of your ability and a BE Ultimate team member will reach out within the coming days.

Please be aware that in order for us to process potential issues, tickets must be opened within 3 business days of reception of the products. Issues reported after this time period may still be processed but might not be eligible for the same recompense

In a few words, describe the issue that you are facing.
Type of Issue
Select the type of issue that best describes what you are facing.
Team Order?*
Was your affected order part of a team order?
Online Order?*
Did you place your order through the Online Store?
If you would like to elaborate, feel free to use this space to enter anything else that you think might help our team when assessing the ticket.