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COPC Logo-Dec-01-2023-09-50-34-0499-PM

COPC® Best Practices for Customer Experience Operations Training

 05th to 09th May 2025
Jakarta, Indonesia

- No. of days: 5
- Time: 9.00am to 6.00pm, Indonesia Time (UTC +7)
- Venue:
  To Be Advised


Please complete this online registration form:

I/My company will pay by:

Please note

1) Upon successful submission, you will see a “Thank you” screen. If you do not see the “thank you” message immediately, please review your form and ensure all fields are complete.
2) We will provide you with an invoice for your payment arrangement and advise on the mode of payment.
3) Registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment. Payment not received before commencement of training will result in entry being denied.