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Employer Interest - Needs
Organization name
Please select the option that best applies to your organization
Please Select
Fortune 500 and Top DFW Workplaces or 5000 or more employees
Small and Medium-sized Businesses - 1 to 5000 employees
Non-Profit/Gov't/Education Agencies/Organizations
Website URL
Street address
Postal Code
Internship Program Needs
Program Status
Please choose the option which best describes your current program.
Please Select
No program currently. Not utilizing interns.
Utilize interns on an inconsistent basis.
Consistently utilize interns with no structured program
Program is in the early stages of development and consistently utilize interns.
Established program
Which of the following services best meets your need at this time?
General information/best practices regrading your internship program
Support in developing a position description
Expanded marketing and brand awareness opportunities
Connection to colleges or academic departments
Membership in corporate forums
Handshake support/guidance
Please list any other workforce needs facing your organization?
Contact's Information
First name
Last name
Job Title
Phone number