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Testnet Node Operator Wallet Address

Since Masa launched web3’ first soulbound identity protocol in August 2022, we have seen a tremendous amount of momentum, with over 200,000 Masa Soulbound Identities minted on the testnets (read more about our evolution here). We plan to launch Masa Soulbound Identity on the Ethereum mainnet on January 17, 2023 (read more here).

As we embark on the journey of becoming web3’s Soulbound Token infrastructure, we decided to sunset the node operator function within, where you previously viewed your enodeID’s, rewards and registered new enodeID’s. Your token rewards will now be visible in the Token Rewards Master File. In order to find your token rewards, please use a Ctrl F function to search for your enodeID. You will see the calculation used to determine your rewards and tokens per day of uptime. We will be distributing token rewards directly to your wallets after the Token Generation Event. In order to receive your token allocation, please share your email address and Ethereum wallet address in form below and we will attach your wallet address to your enode in the Token Reward Master File.

Final submission deadline was 1.2.22. We are no longer accepting wallet submissions from testnet node operators.