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Please complete this RFI form for C&I companies

1. General Information

(City, Country)
(Example: farm, residential, industrial facility...)
Expected commissioning date
Please specify the energy sources required for integration with ePowerControl:*
Total PV capacity - 470 kW/490 kWp
9 x Huawei SUN2000-30 KTL
4 x Huawei SUN2000-50 KTL
Total BESS capacity - 200 kWh
1 x LUNA2000-200KWH-2H1
Total PCS capacity - 100 kW
1 x LUNA2000-100KTL-M1
Other equipment on site (breaker, load control, sensor, other controller...)
For each meter on site, please specify its purpose (e.g. measuring grid import/export, Genset Power, Load consumption, etc).
Is the site grid connected ?*

ℹ️ If your last answer is:

  • 'Yes', please go to '2. Grid Prime'
  • 'No', please go to '3. BESS Prime'

2. Grid Prime

The GRID acts as the forming unit. ePowerControl controls the PV, the BESS, the GENSETs and the breakers (when applicable).

Once a GRID failure occurs, 
, and if Automatic blackstart is configured, the controller orders a switch to the chosen Islanding Mode (BESS Prime or Genset Prime)

grid prime
PV Grid Export Limitation
Manage PV curtailment setpoints management to avoid the grid active power to drop below the defined Minimum Active Power at PCC.
Grid Reactive Power Control
The Reactive Power Control function sends reactive power setpoints to the BESS and PV, in order to keep the grid Power Factor equal to the defined Power Factor Target at PCC.

The BESS is used in priority, the PV inverters are controlled to produce reactive power only in case the BESS is not able to achieve the goal or if it is not present in the ePowerControl configuration.
BESS Peak Shaving
The purpose of this feature is to control the active power setpoints sent to the BESS so as to discharge in time of peak load and keep net imported power from the grid below a given value.

Only one unit at a time (BESS or gensets) can perform peak shaving. Two (2) different daily “Peak Shaving” strategies can be configured and applied, depending on the day of the week.
BESS Time Of Use Management
Control of the active power setpoints sent to the BESS so as to only allow charging/discharging of the BESS in defined schedules. Two (2) different daily “Time of Use Management” strategies can be configured and applied, depending on the day of the week.
BESS SoC Target
Control of the active power setpoints sent to the BESS so as to follow the target State of Charge schedule defined. Two (2) different daily “SoC Target” strategies can be configured and applied, depending on the day of the week.
BESS SoC Equalization
This feature is to dispatch the total BESS active power setpoints to the different BESS declared in the configuration interface aiming on equalizing their SoC. The SoC equalization function, if active, temporarily substitutes the BESS Dispatch function.
Genset Peak Shaving
Start/stop of the Genset in grid following mode on load condition. The Genset’s active power output will be controlled to keep net imported power from the grid below a given value. Only one unit at a time (BESS or gensets) can perform peak shaving. Two (2) different daily “Peak Shaving” strategies can be configured and applied, depending on the day of the week.

(Note: The genset controller installed needs to allow parallel to mains / grid following operation, in order to apply this feature)
Automated Black Start
The Automated Blackstart function controls the system to automatically transition to the configured Islanded mode as soon as it detects the grid to be offline:

Once the controller detects the offline state of the grid, it sends an opening command to the islanding breaker through the mandatory IO Module, in order to isolate the system from the grid.

Once the opening state of the islanding breaker is confirmed, the forming unit of the selected islanding mode  is started in order to black start the system.
Islanding Mode
In case of a grid failure, the controller activates the primary islanding mode, by sending orders to switch to either GENSET forming the grid mode or BESS forming the grid mode.  
ℹ️ If your last answer is:

  • 'BESS forming the grid', please go to '3. BESS Prime'.
  • 'Genset forming the grid', please go to '4. Genset Prime'.
  • 'No islanding mode', please go to '5. Comments'.

3. BESS Prime

The BESS acts as the forming unit. ePowerControl controls the PV, the GENSETs and the breakers (when applicable).

Once the GRID recovers, and if Automatic Grid Re-connection is configured, the controller orders a switch back to GRID prime mode.

BESS Charge Control
This feature is to allow the control of the active power setpoints sent to PV and gensets to charge BESS at a fixed active power rate. BESS Charge Control can be based on several criterias:

- BESS average SoC: PV is curtailed so as to keep BESS active power input to 0 kW if BESS average SOC reaches the Maximum SoC value,
- PV will be fully curtailed (PV=0) if SoC reaches a configurable critical high SoC value.
Genset Start/Stop Management
This feature allows the controller to start one or multiple gensets in grid following mode when BESS SoC is under the configured “SoC Start” setting threshold.

Once the Gensets started, two options are available for the control strategy of the Active power :
- Cycle charging: the active gensets charge the battery to the maximum charging threshold,
- Load following: the active gensets produce the load active power, while the BESS is charged using excess produced PV.

The gensets will be stopped when the BESS SoC is above the configured “SoC Stop” setting threshold.

(Note: The genset controller installed needs to allow parallel to mains / grid following operation, in order to apply this feature.)
Genset Power Assist
This feature is to Start/Stop the genset in grid following mode on load condition to provide support to the BESS. The genset’s active power output will be controlled to keep the active power of the BESS below a configurable maximum power. 

(Note: The genset controller installed needs to allow parallel to mains / grid following operation, in order to apply this feature.)
Automated Grid Re-connection
The Automated Grid Reconnection function controls the system in order to automatically transition from the defined Islanded Configuration (BESS Prime or Genset Prime) to the Grid Prime as soon as it detects the grid to be online.

Once the controller detects the online state of the grid,  the controller sends a command to shut down the forming unit of the islanded Mode.

Once the shutting down of the islanded mode forming unit is confirmed, the controller sends a command to close the islanding breaker through the mandatory IO Module, in order to reconnect the system to the grid.

After the closing of the breaker the BESS is started as a following unit.
Secondary Islanding Mode (N+2 Reliability)
In addition to the primary islanding , a secondary islanding mode can also be activated, so as to enable a switch from BESS prime mode to GENSET prime mode, if the SoC reaches a minimum threshold. 

ℹ️ If your last answer is:

  • 'Genset forming the grid', please go to '4. Genset Prime'.

  • 'No secondary islanding mode', please go to '5. Comments'.

4. Genset Prime

The GENSETs act as the forming unit. ePowerControl controls the PV, the BESS, and the breakers (when applicable). 

Once the GRID recovers, and if Automatic Grid Re-connection is configured, the controllers orders a switch back to GRID prime mode.

Untitled (1)
Genset Minimum Loading
Control of the active power setpoints sent to the PV inverters and the BESS, in order to avoid the running generator active power to drop below the Genset Minimum Loading defined.

In the case of multiple Gensets activated, it is assumed that active Gensets are equipped with the appropriate control devices so as to share the load in proportion to their primary rated capacity.
Automated Grid Re-connection (Genset prime)
The Automated Grid Reconnection function controls the system in order to automatically transition from the defined Islanded Configuration (BESS Prime or Genset Prime) to the Grid Prime as soon as it detects the grid to be online.

Once the controller detects the online state of the grid,  the controller sends a command to shut down the forming unit of the islanded Mode.

Once the shutting down of the islanded mode forming unit is confirmed, the controller sends a command to close the islanding breaker through the mandatory IO Module, in order to reconnect the system to the grid.

After the closing of the breaker the BESS is started as a following unit.