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I understand that there are inherent dangers in participating in any outdoor clean-up activities, including, but not limited to, bodily injury, disability and death.  I understand and accept that participating in these activities may involve risks that include inclement weather or excessive heat, falling debris, proximity to damaged trees or structures, accidents while traveling, injuries from the use of power tools and machinery, equipment problems or failures, proximity to vehicles or equipment (including those producing debris or dust), contact with and actions of other participants, slips/trips/falls, musculoskeletal injuries, harm from contact with sharp objects or tools, contact with chemicals or irritants, exposure to wildlife (including snakes and biting insects), among others.  I choose for myself or for my child to participate in this activity and accept the risks for myself and/or my child.  

I acknowledge all risks of injury, illness, and death and affirm that I have assumed all responsibility of injury, illness, necessary treatment and/or death in any way connected with participation in this activity.  I also agree for myself and for any child participant to follow all rules, safety protocols and procedures that apply to the activity and to follow the reasonable instructions of County staff or other supervisors of the activity.  In return for the opportunity described above, I agree for myself and for my heirs, spouse, family members, assigns, executors, and administrators to release, waive, and discharge any legal rights I may have to seek payment or relief of any kind from Carteret County, its employees or its agents for injury, illness, or death resulting from the activity to the extent permitted by North Carolina law.  If I am allowing a child to participate in the activity, I agree that I am a parent, legal guardian, or am otherwise responsible for the child who is participating, and I agree that I will personally supervise the child during the activity.  I also agree to indemnify and defend Carteret County for all claims, damages, losses, or expenses, including attorney’s fees, if a suit is filed concerning an injury, illness, or death to me, my child, any other person or for property damage resulting from my or my child’s participation in this activity.  

I have read this document thoroughly and understand that I am waiving legal rights, and that if I am signing for the participation of a child, that any other parent of the child has also authorized for me to sign this on behalf of both of us.  This waiver is continuing and effective for this participant from the date signed or electronically acknowledged for all volunteer activities with the Litter program unless I rescind this release in writing and cease participation.

I hereby grant The County of Carteret (the “County”) the irrevocable right [SG1] and permission to use photographs and/or video recordings of me on County and other websites and in publications, promotional flyers, educational materials, derivative works, or for any other similar purpose without compensation to me. 

I understand and agree that such photographs and/or video recordings of me may be placed on the Internet, Television, Social Media, and Print. I also understand and agree that I may be identified by name and/or title in printed, Internet or broadcast information that might accompany the photographs and/or video recordings of me. I waive the right to approve the final product. I agree that all such portraits, pictures, photographs, video and audio recordings, and any reproductions thereof, and all plates, negatives, recording tape and digital files are and shall remain the property of the County. 

I hereby release, acquit and forever discharge the Carteret County Board of Commissioners, the County, its current and former trustees, agents, officers and employees of the above-named entities from any and all claims, demands, rights, promises, damages and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use or distribution of said photographs and/or video recordings, including but not limited to any claims for invasion of privacy, appropriation of likeness or defamation. 

I hereby warrant that I am eighteen (18) years old or more and competent to contract in my own name or, if I am less than eighteen years old, that my parent or guardian has signed this release form below. This release is binding on me and my heirs, assigns and personal representatives. 

By typing my name below I agree to the terms of the above disclaimers & waivers

Litter Free Land and Sea is part of the Carteret County Crystal Coast Economic Development
