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Product Feedback Submission
First name
Last name
Please leave us the best email to contact you at for follow-up.
Phone number
Please provide a phone number that we can contact you at.
Product Line
Which product is the issue you are reporting?
CultivArt 10pk Pre-Roll
CultivArt Vape Carts
CultivArt Gummies
Fruit Stand Gummies
Fruit Stand Vape Carts
Full Spectrum Vape Carts
Hash House Concentrates
Hash House Gummies
Hash House Vape Cart
Redbud Rocket
Select Pre-Roll
Topical Lotion
Market Cartridge
Market Shake/Trim
Market Flower
Market Concentrate
Market Gummies
Date of Purchase
On what day did you purchase the product?
Number of Items Bought
What quantity of this particular item did you purchase?
Purchase Location
Name of the location of your purchase. Example: Ascend Wellness...
Purchase City
Please indicate the city of the location you purchased the products from.
Issue Title
Please describe in a few words the issue that you are experiencing with the product. Example:
Full Spectrum Cart Is Leaking
Issue Type
Select the issue type that best describes the situation.
Please Select
Quality of Product
Issue Description
Please describe in as much detail as possible the issue that you are experiencing with the product.
File upload
If possible, upload a picture of the label, your receipt from the purchase, and any applicable photos of the issue you are experiencing.