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Summit CE Form Banner Breakout 7, 8 and 9

Thank you for your feedback! This form is used to provide qualified attendees with continuing education hours and obtain your feedback about the topics, sessions, and presenters. Your feedback is used to inform all upcoming Exit Planning Institute content and educational opportunities. 

Speaker Evaluation Score*
Please rate the speaker based on the common sense scoring scale (1 being the worst score possible; 6 being the best score possible)
Topic Evaluation Score*
Please rate the session topic using the common sense scoring scale (1 being the worst score possible; 6 being the best score possible)
Value Evaluation Score*
Please rate the value of this session using the common sense scoring scale (1 being the worst score possible; 6 being the best score possible)
Continuing Education (CE) Attestation*
You must fill out the Continuing Education/Attestation form at the time of the educational session