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NMSDC Kellogg AMEP 2.0 Application

Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to attend NMSDC Kellogg AMEP 2.0, your company must meet the following criteria:

1. Be certified by NMSDC as a minority-owned business
2. Have gross revenues exceeding $3 million

3. MBE owner attended NMSDC Kellogg AMEP 1.0 in the past

4. AMEP 2.0 is designed for the participation of the most senior leader (owner, CEO, president, etc.); therefore, only those individuals are invited to participate.

Applicant Information

Are you the most senior leader at your company?*
Ownership Ethnicity*

Business Information

Geographic Market Reach
Certified By*
(Applicant must be certified by the NMSDC-affiliated council closest to its headquarters.)

The following questions are related to your company since attending AMEP 1.0:

Have you done business with another AMEP alumni?*
Have you completed any merger/acquisition business?*
Have you secured additional capital for your business? (Check all that apply)*


Each application is reviewed by an NMSDC admissions committee to ensure a diverse industry, geographical and ethnic mix. It is expected that participants will be free of other duties and will devote full time to the program.

Scholarships are available to cover tuition, class materials, lodging and meals. The student is responsible for all travel/transportation expenses.

There are strict guidelines to cancel if accepted into the program. Note: I understand that I may be responsible for up to $6000.00 in scholarship repayment if I cancel within ten (10) business days of the start of the program.

(Please type your full name in the box below as your signature.)