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Avalon Park Foundation Board Member Application
First name
Last name
Birth date
Street address
Phone (Home)
Phone (Cell)
Marital Status
Name of Spouse
Name & Ages of Children (if any)
1. Have you supported the Avalon Park Foundation in any way? If so, how?
2. Please state why you are interested in volunteering on the Board of APF.
3. How does your spouse/family feel about this involvement?
4. List any other volunteer experience:
5. What is the extent of your formal education?
Area of concentration:
Special training:
6. What are your personal strengths?
7. What are possible areas of weakness?
8. What special gifts, talents, or personality traits do you bring to this APF?
9. Are there any personality traits with which you have difficulty working?
10. What do you feel you could help APF accomplish?
11. Do you have any goals or visions for APF?
12. What does it mean to you to be committed to a Board of Directors?
13. Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
14. Is there anything in your past which could come up and damage the reputation of APF? If so, please explain: