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Middlesex 3 Meet & Greet
Thursday, February 13th at 9:30 AM
Camber Development
44 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, MA
M3 events are FREE for members of the Middlesex 3 Coalition. Non-members may attend for a fee of $100. The fee for non-members may be credited to a new Middlesex 3 Coalition membership.
If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact
Required for registration
Membership Check
I am a member of Middlesex 3
I am not yet a member
I am from a Partner Organization
I am an Invited Guest
If you were invited by someone, please provide their name and company below:
First Name
Last Name
Company name
Share my name and organization on the Event Registration Page
Yes -- Tell everyone I'm coming!
No Thanks -- I would like to remain anonymous.
Once registered, you will receive an email confirmation.
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