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Expression of Interest for event sponsorship

Events drive visitation and are important to the success of our regional visitor economy.  Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism can provide in-kind marketing support by way of sponsorship for signature events that drive visitation and promote the Great Ocean Road Region.


Through a formal event sponsorship with us, we offer signature regional events the opportunity to leverage our marketing channels and program, to promote your event to a larger audience of potential patrons.


The sponsorship package is an intensive one-month promotional campaign and includes:

  • Marketing planning session with GORRT
  • Featured Event banner on "What's On" Pages on and destination websites
  • Home page feature on destination website
  • Integration into @visitgreatoceanroad social media content (Instagram and Facebook) - promoted and organic posts
  • GOR consumer database EDM feature
  • Integration into GOR Search Engine Marketing campaign


and can include:

  • a Blog on GOR web platform
  • Media release & distribution


To be considered for a formal event sponsorship with us, please submit your details below.


Sponsored events will be required to acknowledge Great Ocean Road Regional Tourism as a sponsor on printed materials and websites where applicable. Logos and requirements will be supplied in initial strategy session.


Please note, for your event to be considered for sponsorship:

  • You should submit your EOI at least 8 weeks notice prior to the promotional start date (the event date OR ticket release date) - note with shorter notice we may be able to assist with a limited package including some promotions
  • Events that drive significant visitation to the region or are significant for your destination will be considered
  • Events that are held out of peak periods will be given preference
  • Events must demonstrate support for / collaboration with local businesses


For further information please contact Jo Birley, Industry Development Manager, on 0448 448 666 or


We will notify you regarding the success of your EOI as soon as possible.  If you have not received communication from us within 5 business days, please get in touch.  Successful events will be encouraged to book in their marketing strategy session with GORRT as soon as possible.

Key Contact details

About your event

Event Location*
Event start date*
Tell us more about the event; for example how many people are expected to attend, is it free to attend or ticketed, which businesses are involved

Marketing information

Do you have a current ATDW listing for the event?*
What is your preferred start date for our campaign to launch?
Please note - the sponsorship package is intended to be an intensive one month promotion of your event on our channels
Let us know if you have specific ticket on-sale dates 
What do you need to promote?
Tick which applies most
Additional/optional services
Tick those required
Please upload high res image files and supporting copy (for blog content) to help us promote your event