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Peralta Community College District

Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Application Form

QUALIFICATION STANDARD: To be a qualified person to serve on a committee you must be at least 18 years of age and reside within the District’s geographic boundary, in accordance with Government Code Section 1020.

Geographic Boundaries: Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, or Piedmont




Please specify which position(s) you are qualified/applying for and identify any organization in which you are an active participant:


Additional Information:

Have you been a member of any community college or school district or school-based committee?*
Are you an employee of the Peralta Community College District? (NOTE: Employees of the District are prohibited from being members of the Committee.)*
Have you ever been employed by the Peralta Community College District?*
Are you a vendor, contractor, or consultant to the Peralta Community College District? (NOTE: Vendors, contractors, and consultants of the District are prohibited from being members of the Committee.)*
Are you able to complete at least one term (two years) as a member of a Committee and refrain from becoming an employee, vendor, contractor, or consultant of the Peralta Community College District during such time?*

Please answer the following questions:

Are you currently a resident within the Peralta District?*
Do you have any children or grandchildren who now attend (or have attended) Peralta Community College District?*
Do you know of any reason, such as a potential conflict of interest, which would adversely affect your ability to serve on a Committee?*


All answers and statements in this document are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
